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iLink is a web based interface which is used to securely send or receive files to and from Qvalent systems. iLink provides a simple user interface which is similar to web based mail systems.

The URL for iLink is

iLink displays the available menu options at the top of the page. The available menus are listed below. Note that your user may not have access to all these menu options.

  • Dashboard - Shows a summary of recently sent or received files.
  • Files - Upload and authorise files to Westpac or download files received from Westpac.
  • Administration - Administer user accounts and view company audit history.
  • Documentation - Download iLink user guides.
  • User profile - Change your password or other user settings.


iLink displays the files sidebar on all file processing pages. The same options are also present under the Files menu at the top of the page. The sidebar provides easy access to frequently performed tasks, such as uploading and downloading files.

Side menu

Signing in

To sign in, you must enter the Username and Password as provided to you by your implementation manager. The Username is not case sensitive. The first time you sign in, you will be asked to change your password and choose two security questions and answers. These questions will be used to verify your identity when you call Qvalent Customer Support, or when you reset your password through the iLink web site.

Forgotten password

If you are having trouble signing in for the first time you should contact the person who initially provided you with the username and password.

If you have forgotten your password and you have signed in successfully in the past, you can reset your password using the Having problems signing in? link. You will be asked for your email address and one of your security questions. If you answer correctly, you will be sent an email containing a new system generated password. Otherwise you will need to contact Qvalent Customer Support to have your identity verified and password reset.


After you sign into iLink you will normally be presented with the Dashboard page. The Dashboard page shows you an overview of the most recent files for your company. You can view more details about the file by clicking the file name link.


Receiving files

iLink provides a familiar email based interface for managing your received files from Qvalent. Received files are displayed in your Inbox folder, which is located under the Files menu.

The Deleted Items folder contains files that you have chosen to delete from your other folders.

Folder view

Below is the folder view, showing files in the selected folder. Files are listed in order of date received, i.e. the newest files are at the top. You can view a different folder by selecting it from the sidebar menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

Inbox Folder

Unread files appear bold in the list. Files that have already been viewed appear in normal text. For example, the top file is unread but the others have already been viewed. Please note that files can be viewed and downloaded as many times as needed.

Files will automatically be deleted when they are 90 days old. You can select one or more files by clicking the check box next to the filename. From there you can:

  • Download the selected files by clicking on the Download button.
  • Delete the selected files by clicking on the Delete button (moving them to the Deleted Items folder).
  • Mark all selected files as unread by click the Mark as unread button.
  • Move all selected files to another folder by selecting the folder from the Move to dropdown menu.

You can select all files in the folder by clicking the checkbox at the top of the list.

To view more detail about a particular file, click on the Name of the file.

File details and download

The File details page shows you the details of the selected file. The information provided is summarised as follows:

  • File name - This is the default filename that the file will have once it has been downloaded on to your computer.
  • Folder - Advises you which folder the file currently resides in.
  • File type - This will be different for each type of file that you send and receive (e.g. CreditCardBatch, CashAppliedFile).
  • Created date - Date and time the file was created.
  • Created by - The full name of the file creator. This will be Qvalent for received files.
  • Status - The current status of the file.
  • File ID - This is a unique identifier generated by Qvalent for every file in the iLink system. This number should be quoted in all correspondence regarding this file.
  • Size - The size of the file.
  • History - The history of this file, showing the events that have occurred to this file, such as which users have downloaded the file.

Downloading files

You can download the file you are viewing either as plain text or in a zip file.

  • To download the file as plain text, click the file name link with the text file icon next to it.
  • To download the file in a zip file, click the file name link with the zip file icon next to it.

Your web browser may prompt you to choose a location to save the file. The downloaded file will still be in the iLink folder you downloaded it from, and can still be downloaded by other users.

Sending files

iLink allows you to upload files to Qvalent in any format that has previously been agreed upon with Qvalent. To upload files to Qvalent for processing, click the Files menu then click the Upload file option.

To upload a file:

  • Select the file type for the file that is being sent (e.g. Credit Card Batch).
  • Click the Browse button to locate the file on your computer to upload. If you are uploading a ZIP file and would like your file to be automatically unzipped when it is sent then you should tick the Unzip checkbox. This option has no effect on files that do not end with .zip.
  • Once you have selected your file, click the Upload file button. This will transmit your file to Qvalent for processing.
  • Files sent to Qvalent will be stored in the Sent folder.

Once the file has been successfully uploaded, you will see a summary screen with the file ID that was generated. If your company has been configured for upload authorisation, you will be notified that an authoriser must approve your file before it can be delivered.


If you upload a file with the same content as a previously uploaded file, iLink will alert you that the file has been marked as a possible duplicate.

The file will remain in the sent or held folder with the status of Duplicate. You should check this file carefully against the listed possible duplicates. If you wish to send this file anyway you must tick the checkbox confirming that you wish to process the file and click Submit.

If the file is an accidental duplicate, you should delete it.


When your implementation manager is setting up your iLink account you may be asked if you would like to enable Upload authorisation. When this option is enabled, all manually uploaded files must be authorised by an appropriate user before they can be sent to Qvalent for processing.

Files awaiting authorisation are stored in the Held folder with their status set to Authorisation Required. Files in this state cannot be moved or deleted and remain this way until they are either authorised or declined by an approved authoriser.

Uploading a file for authorisation

If authorisation is required, you will be notified of this after uploading the file. You will be provided with a list of approved authorisers for this file. You have the option to send an automated email notification to inform them that a file is awaiting authorisation.

You are not required to send any notification emails if you would prefer to notify them personally, or if they are already expecting the file.

Authorising a file

To authorise a file:

  • Click on the Held folder under the Files menu. A list of files requiring authorisation will be displayed.
  • Click on the name of the file you wish to review.
  • Download the file and review its contents (if required).
  • If you approve this file for submission, click the Authorise button. Otherwise, click the Decline button.

When a file is authorised, it is sent to Qvalent for processing and is moved to the Sent folder. The file history will display which user authorised the file.

When a file is declined, the status is set to Declined and the file is moved to the Deleted Items folder.

The file history will display which user declined the file. The original file uploader will receive an email indicating that the file has been declined and will not be processed. The uploader and the authoriser can then resolve the issue outside of iLink.

Authoriser roles

A file can be authorised by any user in your company with the role of Authoriser. File uploaders cannot authorise their own files.

Authorisation options

There are three different authorisation options you can request when your iLink account is created:

  • No authorisation - Files are uploaded and sent straight through to Qvalent. No authorisation is required.
  • Single authorisation - After a file is uploaded, it must be authorised by a second user before it is processed.
  • Dual authorisation - After a file is uploaded, it must be authorised by two unique authorisers before it is processed. In this case the file remains in the Held folder after it has been authorised the first time. Only after it is authorised a second time by another authoriser will it be sent for processing.

You can change your authorisation option by contacting your Qvalent Implementation Manager or the Qvalent Customer Support team. Contact details can be found at the bottom of this document.

Managing files

Deleting files

Before deleting a file you may wish to check that the file has already been downloaded. You can do this by either checking that the file status is Downloaded or by opening the File details screen to view the file's history.

Once you have confirmed you wish to delete the file, click the Delete button on the File details screen. This will move the file from the Inbox to Deleted Items folder.

Alternatively, you can delete multiple files at once by clicking the check boxes on the folder view screen, then clicking the Delete button.

You can recover an accidently deleted file by moving it from the Deleted Items folder into another folder.

Moving files

To move a file from one folder to another you must firstly select the file by clicking the check box next to the file(s) you wish to move. Next select the desired folder from the Move to dropdown menu.

Searching for files

The Search files screen allows you to search for files that match various search criteria, such as filename, date, status and file type. Select Search files from the Files menu.

To search for files:

  • Enter a File name, or part of a filename (optional).
  • Enter a Date range by selecting from the pop up calendars.
  • Select a File type from the drop down box or select Any file type.
  • Select the Current status of files to search for or select Any status.
  • Select a Direction option to restrict the search to either received or sent files.
  • Click Search.

The results of your search will then be displayed. The search results page looks very similar to the standard folder view.

My folders

iLink allows you to create personal folders to manage your files. All folders are created at a company level, so if one user creates a folder, it is visible to all users in your company. The Manage my folders option under the Files menu allows you to create, edit and delete your folders. System folders such as Inbox, Sent and Deleted Items cannot be modified.

Once you are on the Manage my folders screen you can:

  • View the contents of a folder by clicking the folder name.
  • Edit a folder's name by clicking the Edit details link.
  • Delete a folder by clicking the Delete folder link. Note that a folder must be empty before you can delete it.
  • Create a new folder by clicking the Add new folder button. Enter a unique name for the folder then click Save.


User tasks

Users in iLink can be assigned any combination of the following tasks:

  • Upload Files - Upload files for processing and view previously uploaded files.
  • Search and Download - Download sent and received files, browse any folder, manage custom folders and search for files.
  • Authoriser - Authorise files when upload authorisation is configured.
  • Setup Connectivity - Manage straight through processing connectivity settings (STP companies only).
  • Company Administrator - Manage user accounts and view event history.


Any user can edit their own details by selecting the Profile option from the User profile menu.

Users can change their password, update their details and preferences, and change their security questions.

A user can view their own tasks but cannot change them. If a user's tasks need to be changed, a Company Administrator must make these changes through the user administration screens (see below).

User administration

Users with the role of Company Administrator are responsible for administering company users. Click the Users option from the Administration menu to see a list of all registered users for your company.

User Management

From here you can:

  • View a user's details by clicking the Username link.
  • Create a new user by clicking the Create new user button.
  • Download a spreadsheet containing all users' details by clicking the Export (.csv) button.

When viewing a particular user, you can:

  • Edit the user details by clicking the Edit user button. To save any modifications, you must confirm your identity by entering your own password, then click Save.
  • Disable the user, preventing them from signing in.
  • Reset the user's password to a system generated password. The user will be forced to enter a new password the next time they sign in.
  • View a list of actions performed by this user.

Some user administration actions will result in an access request being created. In this case, you will be prompted to enter the date of birth and Westpac customer number for the user. You must also ensure that the user's name (including any middle names) matches their identification documents. When an access request is created, you will see a notification instructing you to complete an establishment form and return it to Westpac. The access request will be processed by Westpac after the appropriate identification and verification checks have been performed.

You can view current and past access requests by selecting Access requests from the Administration menu. You can view the details of an access request by clicking the access request code. From there, you can cancel an access request if needed.

Access Requests

Search event history

The Search event history screen allows company administrators to view the event history for their company. For example, events are recorded when users sign in, or files are sent and received. Select the Event history option from the Administration menu.

To search the event history,

  • Enter a Date range by selecting from the pop up calendars.
  • Select the Current status from the dropdown menu or select Any status.
  • Enter a partial Description to search for (optional).
  • Click Search.

The results of your search will then be displayed on the screen.

Multiple companies

iLink allows users to access files across multiple companies. This can be useful if your organisation has several divisions and some users need access to the information for multiple divisions. Each division would be represented as a company in iLink, and some users would be granted access to more than one iLink company (e.g. head office staff).

The following sections describe some differences when performing tasks across multiple companies.

Uploading files

To upload a file, you will first need to select the company. You will then need to select the file type and the file you want to upload. The file types available in the drop down may change for different companies.

Viewing files

The Inbox, Held, Sent and Deleted Items folders are common folders and contain files for all your companies. Additional customer folders are created at a company level, and can only contain messages for that company.

Managing users

Users with the Company Administrator role can administer users across multiple companies. Click the Users option under the Administration menu to see a list of all registered users that belong to any of your companies.

By clicking on a user's Username you can view the details for that particular user, as well as the tasks they can perform for each company.

From here you can click Edit user to edit the user's details, and to add or remove tasks they can perform, for any of the companies that you can administer.


For any queries, contact iLink technical support.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement (for individuals whose personal information may be collected - in this clause referred to as "you"). All personal information we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at Privacy Statement or by calling us through your relationship manager or Westpac representative. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don't, we may not be able to process an application or a request for a product or service.